You know your day is going to be good when you wake up and turn on the tv and the first thing you see is the part from the cheesiest scene in cinema history. You know the one from POINT BREAK where Keanu can't shoot Patrick Swayze so he points the gun up in the air and squeezes off a few rounds. I knew right then it was a good Monday. And then I just started to spread the good Monday news. The girl at Starbucks told me my "Carnies Need Love Too!" T-shirt made her day. And tonight I am spreading the good Monday vibe more and taking the D-Man to see a smorgasbord of Bruce Conner art films hosted by his long time art pal Dennis Hopper. I think they probably did a lot of shrooms together. Bet never the less Bruce is my favorite all around Amercian artist of all time because he worked in so many different types of art. And his films which would now be called "smashups" are thirty to fifty years later are better than any of the tens of thousands of smashup videos on YOUTUBE to this day. And Bruce Conner and Dennis Hopper were both friends with my mentor in cinema Stan Brakhage, they all had thinking different in common.
P.S. Fuck you Garfield you pasta eating fat cat, Mondays are what you make out of them. Get off your furry little bloated embittered depressed lasagna ass and move out of the sun beam. You might find a big beautiful world out there full of other tasty food.
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